【上海】迪卡侬招Oracle DBA(数据库管理员)
职位标签:Oracle DBA职位职能:数据库工程师/管理员技术支持/维护工程师
Oracle DBA – 数据库管理员
- 您是一位体育运动的粉丝,可能您并不擅长某种运动,但您愿意去参与、尝试各种体育运动,享受过程并从中收获快乐;
- 您是一位IT技术的狂热者,愿意努力学习和积极专研各种IT技术,并尝试着把它植入到日常的IT工作中,为用户提供卓越的体验;
- 您是一个真诚的工作伙伴,积极鼓励您的队友,并通过成为教练、伙伴、朋友和领导者来丰富您的职业生涯;
- 您可能没有技术背景,但您有强烈的学习愿望,并且喜欢在快节奏、不断变化的环境中工作;
- 为全球的迪卡侬用户,提供专业高效的数据库技术支持;
- 帮助您的团队与客户建立良好、互信的关系;
- 不断接受新的理念,促进我们快速成长;
- 成为一位以身作则,注重行动的领导者;
- 负责集团大型集群数据库的日常维护、管理,例行巡检,保证数据库不间断运行和数据完整性;
- 支持应用开发对数据库的修改需求,评估系统性能并且提出建议;
- 向开发部门提供数据库支持,数据库整体性能优化,完善7*24数据库监控;
- 给予团队成员技术支持和帮助,负责编写并整理数据库文档及报表;
- 至少2年IT相关的工作经验;
- 流利的英文口语和书面表达能力;
- 具备高度的责任心和敬业精神,良好的团队合作精神;
- 有过外资公司工作经验者更佳;
请立刻通过recruitment.edp@decathlon.com 申请。
Oracle DBA
If you are:
- Sports Fan, who like and enjoy sport, even though not professional;
- IT Enthusiast, who like IT technology, even though not expert;
- Sincere Collaborator, who is excellent teamplayer and enrich your career as 'Leader';
- CuriousGeek, who has strong self-study and like working in the fast changing environment;
Please pay close attention IT Department in Decathlon, French sports company.
If you want to take a challenge job:
- provide professional and efficient database technical support for global Decathlon users;
- help your team establish a good relationship and mutual trust with clients in Decathlon;
- continue to accept new ideas and facilitate us rapid growth;
- become a leader with personal example and action-oriented;
If you want to take an adventure of high technology in the “Oracle” domain:
- manage the routine maintenance of the cluster database with high availability and data integrality;
- support requirements from application development team to guarantee database perfromance and contribute recommendations;
- optimize stability and reliability of database, improve the 7 * 24 database monitoring;
- training and coach team on technical improvements, responsible for documentations and reportings;
If you are qualified with below requirements:
- 2 years at least working experience in IT domain or related;
- smooth communication by fluent oral and written English;
- own strong responsibility and professionalism with good team spirit;
- plus experience of working in the international company;
Please don't hesitate to apply our position 'Oracel DBA' by email recruitment.edp@decathlon.com